Donald Trump reveals what he thinks the assassination attempts on his life mean and what Joe Biden said to him in the aftermath

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Donald Trump reveals what he thinks the assassination attempts on his life mean and what Joe Biden said to him in the aftermath

Donald Trump mused that it was God’s will that there were two assassination attempts on his life because ‘it’s God wanting me to be president.’

He didn’t expand on why the attempts on his life would mean that.

‘There’s something going on. I mean, perhaps it’s God wanting me to be president to save this country,’ he said during a conversation on X Monday night.

He also revealed what Joe Biden said to him after the president called him on Monday evening to check on him.

‘He called up to make sure I was okay, to make sure that, you know, do I have any suggestions? We do need more people on my detail, because we have 50, 60,000 people showing up to events, and, you know, other people don’t have that,’ Trump noted.

He repeated his assertion that the ‘radical left’ was behind the attempts on his life – both Sunday and at the July 13th rally in Butler, Pa.

‘Well, there’s a lot of rhetoric going right. A lot of people think that the Democrats, when they talk about threat to democracy and all of this, and it seems that both of these people were radical lefts,’ he noted of the men who attempted to shoot him.

It was Trump’s first public comments on the assassination attempt on Sunday while he was playing golf at his West Palm Beach, Fla., course.

Donald Trump made his first public comments on the second attempt on his life during an interview on X's Spaces at Mar-a-Lago

Donald Trump made his first public comments on the second attempt on his life during an interview on X’s Spaces at Mar-a-Lago

‘It was quite something. But it worked out well. The Secret Service did an excellent job, and they have the man behind bars and hopefully he’s going to be there for a long time. Dangerous person, very, very dangerous person,’ the former president said.

He described Sunday on his course as ‘very peaceful, very beautiful weather. Everything was beautiful. It was nice place to be.’

He then turned dramatic, recounting what happened when he was on the fifth hole: ‘All of a sudden we heard shots being fired in the air. And I guess probably four or five. But what do I know about that? But Secret Service knew immediately it was bullets, and they grabbed me.’

Trump said the only bullets fired came from his protective detail.

‘What the gunfire was, actually, interestingly, was a Secret Service agent who had seen a barrel of AK47, which is a very powerful gun, rifle and he started shooting at the barrel. Started shooting in the bushes,’ he said.

‘How good is that, right? Could only see the barrel. Based on that, he started shooting and ran toward the target and was shooting a lot of I mean, those were the shots we heard. The other one never got a shot off.’

He noted a Secret Service agent put him in his golf cart and drove off.

‘I would have loved to have sank that last putt, but we decided, let’s get out of here,’ he joked.

Trump praised law enforcement for their work.

‘So Secret Service did a great job. And I think I can say, honestly, the sheriff’s office, law enforcement, everybody really did a great job.’

Trump’s comments came as he was unveiling a new cryptocurrency business. The interview was audio only but took place at Mar-a-Lago, the former president’s Palm Beach home. It had been scheduled before Sunday’s assassination attempt.

Trump is calling the business World Liberty Financial. His sons are also promoting it. But details about it are sparse.

Trump has netted millions of dollars selling new items featuring moments from his political life. He uses the same social media accounts that promote his candidacy for president to promote his business ventures, like $399 golden sneakers, a coffee table book or a bible.

If Trump wins the White House in November, his latest business venture could raise a host of questions about ethics conflicts.

On the campaign trail, Trump has announced his support for policies favorable to digital currencies.

‘We’re embracing the future with crypto, and leaving the slow and outdated big banks behind,’ Trump wrote on X.

Trump made about $7.2 million in 2023 through a licensing deal with a company that is selling digital NFT, or non-fungible token, ‘trading cards’ featuring the former president, according to his financial disclosure report.

He’s sold pieces of the suit he was wearing during the July 13th assassination attempt on his life. And he reported making $300,000 in royalties from ‘The Greenwood Bible,’ a venture associated with country singer Lee Greenwood.

Ryan Routh being apprehended by Palm Beach police on Sunday

Ryan Routh being apprehended by Palm Beach police on Sunday

But his interview on X on Monday night came after law enforcement released more details about Sunday’s incident, including that Trump stalker Ryan Routh may have been lying in wait for the former president for more than 11 hours at the Florida golf course where Trump was playing.

And the high-power rifle Routh had with him may have been purchased overseas.

The new details emerged in the document filed Monday charging Routh, 58, with gun crimes in connection with the incident. Sunday’s incident is the second such attempt on Trump’s life in the past three months.

Officials found that the loaded SKS-style 7.62×39 caliber rifle had a serial number that ‘was obliterated and unreadable to the naked eye.’

The agent who wrote the complaint said that such rifles are not manufactured in Florida, and it’s likely the rifle had ‘traveled in interstate or foreign commerce.’

Meanwhile, cell phone location data obtained by the FBI indicates that Routh ‘was located in the vicinity of the area of the tree line’ at the Trump International Golf Course in West Palm Beach from just before 2:00 a.m. Sunday until about 1:30 p.m.

That is about when a Secret Service agent, who was checking the course ahead of Trump, spotted a gun muzzle protruding from a nearby fence and fired at Routh. Trump was quickly evacuated.

The details suggest some level of advance planning by Routh. Additionally, the fact he spent about 12 hours around the golf course without discovery has raised questions about the Secret Service’s protective procedures.

Officials said Routh was on the public side of the Trump golf course’s perimeter fence when the agent spotted the rifle’s muzzle.

Law enforcement is still investigating all the details, including where the suspect got the AK-style rifle, his movements ahead of the incident and if anyone else was involved.

It’s unclear where Routh may have parked and waited for the former president, who is known to play golf regularly at his West Palm Beach club when at his Mar-a-Lago home nearby.

Local police have increased security around the golf club, including closing down the road that leads to it to all but local traffic.

At the time the agent spotted the gun on Sunday, Trump was on the fifth hole of his Palm Beach golf club. The agent was on the sixth hole, doing a visual sweep ahead of the former president, when he spotted the muzzle of the rifle.

Routh was less than 500 yards from Trump when he was captured.

Secret Service Acting Director Ron Rowe said on Monday that Routh was not able to get off a single shot and never had Trump in his ‘line of sight.’

‘As former President Trump was moving through the fifth fairway, across the course and out of sight of the sixth green, the agent, who was visually sweeping the area of the sixth green, saw the subject armed with what he perceived to be a rifle and immediately discharged his firearm,’ he noted.

The Secret Service came under criticism for not securing a wide enough perimeter around Trump at his July 13th rally in Butler, Pa., where Thomas Matthew Crooks attempted to assassinate the former president.

But, Rowe noted, the agency had a security plan in place for Trump’s golf game, which he said was unscheduled.

‘We put together a security plan, and that security plan worked,’ he said Monday at a press conference.

US Secret Service Acting Director Ronald Rowe Jr. speaks during a news conference

US Secret Service Acting Director Ronald Rowe Jr. speaks during a news conference

Donald Trump on his golf course in West Palm Beach

Donald Trump on his golf course in West Palm Beach

In the area of the tree line where Routh fled, agents found a digital camera, two bags, a loaded SKS-style 7.62×39 caliber rifle with a scope, and a black plastic bag containing food.

On Sunday, after the Secret Service fired and Routh fled, the Martin County Sheriff’s Office began a vehicle stop and Routh was detained at 2:14 p.m. Officers said the license plate of the Nissan he was in was registered to a 2012 white Ford truck that has been reported stolen.

Ryan was charged with possession of a firearm by a convicted felon and possession of a firearm with an obliterated serial number.

Investigators are trying to restore the serial number so they could trace its origins.

He did not appear to fire the gun, law enforcement noted. Apparently the only shots fired were from Secret Service. Even if Routh did not fire the weapon, he could still face an attempted assassination charge.

‘We are investigating this matter as an apparent assassination attempt of Former President Trump,’ FBI special agent Jeffrey Veltri of the Miami field office said Monday afternoon at a press conference.

The Secret Service later discovered a rifle, a backpack and a GoPro video camera attached to the fence near where Routh was spotted.

Routh appeared in federal court in West Palm Beach for a brief hearing Monday morning wearing a blue jail jumpsuit.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Ryon McCabe ordered Routh held without bond until a detention hearing scheduled for Sept. 23.

Law enforcement personnel investigate the area around Trump International Golf Club

Law enforcement personnel investigate the area around Trump International Golf Club

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