The Teamsters union with 1.3 MILLION members delivers a major blow to Kamala Harris. Good news for Trump

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Teamsters Union with 1.3 MILLION Members Delivers Huge Blow to Kamala Harris by Refusing to Endorse Her – Trump Wins the Support of Rank-and-File

Vice President Harris had sought the group's support, although the union boss did not speak at her convention after speaking at Trump's

In a shocking turn of events, the powerful Teamsters union, representing 1.3 million members, announced it will not be endorsing either Kamala Harris or Donald Trump for president in the 2024 election. This is a major blow to Harris and the Democrats, as their once-loyal labor base appears to be shifting away.

The decision comes after Teamsters boss Sean O’Brien made waves by speaking at the Republican National Convention, showing clear signs of openness to Trump’s message. The move also follows a lackluster meeting between Harris and union leaders that failed to sway them in her favor.

A letter from the union’s executive board revealed the growing divide among members. While Joe Biden had previously secured strong support in straw polls before he stepped out of the race in July, independent polling from July through September tells a different story. When members were asked to choose between Trump and Harris for a possible endorsement, Trump came out on top—by a landslide.

Polling data showed 60% of rank-and-file members preferred Trump over Harris, who only garnered 34% support. This lack of enthusiasm for Harris left the union leadership in a difficult position: they couldn’t back her, but they also weren’t willing to endorse Trump outright. However, this is seen as a huge political win for Trump, as the Teamsters are typically more conservative than other unions that align with Democrats.

The last time the Teamsters endorsed a Republican was in 1988, and the fact that they won’t back Harris speaks volumes about her failure to connect with blue-collar workers. This non-endorsement is particularly significant in key battleground states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin—where union votes are crucial.

In contrast, other major unions, including the AFL-CIO and the United Auto Workers, have already thrown their support behind Harris. But the Teamsters’ refusal to do so is a clear sign that working Americans are tired of being ignored by the Democrats. They’re looking for real leadership, and Trump is offering just that.

Despite her efforts, Harris couldn’t win over the group. Trump, on the other hand, continues to resonate with the hardworking men and women who are the backbone of America. In fact, Trump’s campaign treated the Teamsters’ decision as a victory, with national press secretary Karoline Leavitt stating, “The hardworking members of the Teamsters have been loud and clear—they want President Trump back in the White House! President Trump will strongly stand up for them when he’s back in office.”

The Teamsters union also criticized both Harris and Trump for not fully committing to their core issues, but it’s clear that the rank-and-file see Trump as the better advocate for their concerns.

Meanwhile, Harris met with Teamsters leaders recently, but her lack of communication with reporters following the meeting only underscores the growing disconnect between her and union members. The Democrats are losing their grip on working-class voters, and this decision from the Teamsters shows that Trump is winning them over.

At the White House, press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre deflected questions about the situation, but called Biden “the most pro-union president ever.” Unfortunately for Harris, that label doesn’t seem to be sticking.

In a year where union support is critical to winning key rust belt states, this decision by the Teamsters sends a strong message: Working Americans want Trump back.

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