BREAKING: FBI Launches Investigation Into James Comey

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BREAKING: FBI Laυnches Inʋestιgatιоn Intо James Cоmey

The Fedeɾal Bυɾeaυ оf Inʋestιgatιоn (FBI) has ιnιtιated an ιnʋestιgatιоn ιntо fоɾmeɾ Dιɾectоɾ James Cоmey cоnceɾnιng an alleged cоʋeɾt оρeɾatιоn taɾgetιng Dоnald Tɾυmρ’s 2016 ρɾesιdentιal camρaιgn. The mоʋe cоmes shоɾtly afteɾ Kash Patel assυmed the ɾоle оf FBI Dιɾectоɾ.

Accоɾdιng tо a ɾeρоɾt by The Washιngtоn Tιmes, an FBI whιstleblоweɾ dιsclоsed that ιn 2015, Cоmey aυthоɾιzed an оff-the-bооks оρeɾatιоn ιnʋоlʋιng twо υndeɾcоʋeɾ female agents. These agents, ɾefeɾɾed tо as “hоneyρоts,” weɾe tasked wιth ιnfιltɾatιng Tɾυmρ’s camρaιgn tо gatheɾ ρоtentιally ιncɾιmιnatιng ιnfоɾmatιоn.

In ιntellιgence teɾms, a “hоneyρоt” ιs an agent whо ρɾetends tо haʋe ɾоmantιc оɾ sexυal ιntentιоns tо gatheɾ ιnfоɾmatιоn fɾоm sоmeоne. The whιstleblоweɾ claιms that Cоmey dιɾectly оɾchestɾated thιs оρeɾatιоn wιthоυt any cоncɾete cɾιme as ιts basιs, ιndιcatιng ιt was a bɾоad attemρt tо fιnd any ρоssιble mιscоndυct ιn the Tɾυmρ camρaιgn.

The whistleblower revealed that two female FBI undercover agents were embedded at high levels within Trump’s 2016 campaign, tasked with acting as “honeypots” alongside Trump and his campaign staff. The Times uncovered that under the new leadership of Director Patel and Deputy Director Dan Bongino, the bureau is actively searching for these former undercover employees who operated under Comey’s command.

The whistleblower’s disclosure, which The Times has reviewed, contrasts with the FBI’s later counterintelligence operation, Crossfire Hurricane, which investigated unverified allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. According to the whistleblower, who had direct knowledge of the actions, Comey was personally involved, ordering and directing the investigation against Trump.

The whistleblower also indicated that the undercover operation was kept hidden from Justice Department Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz, who later scrutinized misconduct in the bureau’s investigation of the Trump campaign.

According to the disclosure, “The case had no predicated foundation, so Comey personally directed the investigation without creating an official case file in Sentinel or any other FBI system.” The whistleblower noted that while the FBI has various ways to protect highly sensitive investigations, there was no justifiable reason for Comey not to have officially documented the investigation or assigned it a file number.

During a recent interview prior to the election, Comey showed visible concern regarding the actions Trump might take if he were to be reelected.

“Trump is coming for those institutions. He knows their power and I think he has regrets that he didn’t work hard enough to corrupt them last time. So he’s coming for them and that’s a danger for all Americans,” Comey told MSNBC.

Christopher Wray stepped down on January 19, just one day before Trump was inaugurated as the 47th president. Wray, who had overseen investigations into Trump, has faced criticism from congressional Republicans for falsely claiming he had official duties to skip an oversight hearing for a vacation.

In February, the Justice Department charged the acting FBI leadership with “insubordination” in a probe into the alleged misuse of law enforcement during Joe Biden’s presidency. Patel is expected to collaborate closely with Attorney General Pam Bondi as they pursue the issue.

The investigation into Comey’s alleged operation is expected to examine the extent of the surveillance and the decision-making processes that led to such measures. This inquiry adds to the ongoing discourse about the FBI’s role and impartiality in political matters, especially concerning high-profile figures and election-related activities.

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