Eric Trump blasts Secret Service, asking ‘how many other close calls’ will Donald Trump have and reveals his fears for his father

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Eric Trump blasts Secret Service, asking ‘how many other close calls’ will Donald Trump have and reveals his fears for his father

  • ‘I expect him to be protected, I expect him to be safe,’ Eric Trump said of his dad

Eric Trump slammed the Secret Service for not doing enough to protectd Donald Trump, and revealed his fears for his father.

The second son of Donald Trump went on Sean Hannity’s Fox News show to question the actions of the agency in the wake of the second assassination attempt on his father’s life.

‘One bullet, the history of this country changes forever,’ he said. ‘How many other close calls do we have to have? When can we finally get our act together?’

He also asked for more resources for the Secret Service so there would not be a third attempt on Donald Trump’s life.

‘They have to get the resources to keep our political leaders safe. We have to do a better job. We cannot have a third incident. There will not be a third incident. We cannot have this conversation again. We’ve had too many of them.’

Republicans have expressed outrage at how close Donald Trump has come close to being killed. Don Jr. and Eric also have led the charge on defending their father, calling for more protection for him.

'I expect him to be protected, I expect him to be safe,' Eric Trump told Fox News' Sean Hanity of the his father Donald Trump

‘I expect him to be protected, I expect him to be safe,’ Eric Trump told Fox News’ Sean Hanity of the his father Donald Trump

In his interview on Fox, Eric Trump did praise the Secret Services agents on the ground Sunday at the Trump International Golf Club West Palm Beach, who saw the rifle barrel sticking out from a fence and quickly moved the former president to safety.

‘Those agents on the ground, they are remarkable. They are remarkable. And thank God they were there,’ he said.

He then, however, said two assassination attempts in three months was unacceptable, referring to the shooting attempt at a rally in Butler, Pa., on July 13th and to Sunday’s incident.

‘There is a breakdown at some point. There has to be. I mean, this is two assault rifles within 300 yards of the president, the first one being 130 yards of the president in a five week period of time. And there’s only so many chances in the world that you get. There are only so many lives that you’re given.’

And he revealed his real fear for Donald Trump: ‘Let me be clear: they are trying to kill the man. They are trying to kill my father.’

Eric Trump raised the question – as others have raised – why the perimeter around Trump’s golf course wasn’t protected and how the suspect was able to camp out just outside the fence for almost 12 hours without being caught.

‘How can that possibly happen?,’ he asked.

He pointed to how close his father came to getting killed: ‘A 300-yard shot is a layup shooter with the scope rifle. That is a shot that my six-year-old son can make every single time. These are layup shots.’

‘I expect him to be protected, I expect him to be safe,’ he said of Donald Trump.

He also blamed Democratic rhetoric for causing his father to be targeted. Both President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have denounced political violence. But Donald Trump also has blamed Democrats for inciting violence against him.

And Eric noted only his father has been the subject of assassination attempts.

‘The bullets are only going one way,’ he noted. ‘It’s interesting how that works. That man right there is taking every bullet literally and figuratively.’

He called on Democrats ‘to tone down that down.’

Ryan Routh being apprehended by Palm Beach police on Sunday

Ryan Routh being apprehended by Palm Beach police on Sunday

New details emerged earlier Monday on how Trump stalker Ryan Routh may have been lying in wait for the former president for more than 11 hours at Trump’s Florida golf course.

And the high-power rifle Routh had with him may have been purchased overseas.

The details came out in a document filed Monday charging Routh, 58, with gun crimes in connection with the incident. Sunday’s incident is the second such attempt on Trump’s life in the past three months.

Officials found that the loaded SKS-style 7.62×39 caliber rifle had a serial number that ‘was obliterated and unreadable to the naked eye.’

The agent who wrote the complaint said that such rifles are not manufactured in Florida, and it’s likely the rifle had ‘traveled in interstate or foreign commerce.’

Meanwhile, cell phone location data obtained by the FBI indicates that Routh ‘was located in the vicinity of the area of the tree line’ at the Trump International Golf Course in West Palm Beach from just before 2:00 a.m. Sunday until about 1:30 p.m.

That is about when a Secret Service agent, who was checking the course ahead of Trump, spotted a gun muzzle protruding from a nearby fence and fired at Routh. Trump was quickly evacuated.

The details suggest some level of advance planning by Routh. Additionally, the fact he spent about 12 hours around the golf course without discovery has raised questions about the Secret Service’s protective procedures.

Officials said Routh was on the public side of the Trump golf course’s perimeter fence when the agent spotted the rifle’s muzzle.

Law enforcement is still investigating all the details, including where the suspect got the AK-style rifle, his movements ahead of the incident and if anyone else was involved.

It’s unclear where Routh may have parked and waited for the former president, who is known to play golf regularly at his West Palm Beach club when at his Mar-a-Lago home nearby.

Local police have increased security around the golf club, including closing down the road that leads to it to all but local traffic.

At the time the agent spotted the gun on Sunday, Trump was on the fifth hole of his Palm Beach golf club. The agent was on the sixth hole, doing a visual sweep ahead of the former president, when he spotted the muzzle of the rifle.

Routh was less than 500 yards from Trump when he was captured.

Secret Service Acting Director Ron Rowe said on Monday that Routh was not able to get off a single shot and never had Trump in his ‘line of sight.’

‘As former President Trump was moving through the fifth fairway, across the course and out of sight of the sixth green, the agent, who was visually sweeping the area of the sixth green, saw the subject armed with what he perceived to be a rifle and immediately discharged his firearm,’ he noted.

The Secret Service came under criticism for not securing a wide enough perimeter around Trump at his July 13th rally in Butler, Pa., where Thomas Matthew Crooks attempted to assassinate the former president.

But, Rowe noted, the agency had a security plan in place for Trump’s golf game, which he said was unscheduled.

‘We put together a security plan, and that security plan worked,’ he said Monday at a press conference.

US Secret Service Acting Director Ronald Rowe Jr. speaks during a news conference

US Secret Service Acting Director Ronald Rowe Jr. speaks during a news conference

Donald Trump on his golf course in West Palm Beach

Donald Trump on his golf course in West Palm Beach

In the area of the tree line where Routh fled, agents found a digital camera, two bags, a loaded SKS-style 7.62×39 caliber rifle with a scope, and a black plastic bag containing food.

On Sunday, after the Secret Service fired and Routh fled, the Martin County Sheriff’s Office began a vehicle stop and Routh was detained at 2:14 p.m. Officers said the license plate of the Nissan he was in was registered to a 2012 white Ford truck that has been reported stolen.

Ryan was charged with possession of a firearm by a convicted felon and possession of a firearm with an obliterated serial number.

Investigators are trying to restore the serial number so they could trace its origins.

He did not appear to fire the gun, law enforcement noted. Apparently the only shots fired were from Secret Service. Even if Routh did not fire the weapon, he could still face an attempted assassination charge.

‘We are investigating this matter as an apparent assassination attempt of Former President Trump,’ FBI special agent Jeffrey Veltri of the Miami field office said Monday afternoon at a press conference.

The Secret Service later discovered a rifle, a backpack and a GoPro video camera attached to the fence near where Routh was spotted.

Routh appeared in federal court in West Palm Beach for a brief hearing Monday morning wearing a blue jail jumpsuit.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Ryon McCabe ordered Routh held without bond until a detention hearing scheduled for Sept. 23.

Law enforcement personnel investigate the area around Trump International Golf Club

Law enforcement personnel investigate the area around Trump International Golf Club

Law enforcement photos show bangs hanging from a fence over a rifle propped against it

Law enforcement photos show bangs hanging from a fence over a rifle propped against it

Ryan Routh in federal court on Monday

Ryan Routh in federal court on Monday

Routh has a lengthy criminal record in North Carolina, including a felony conviction for possession of a weapon of mass destruction and multiple felony counts of possession of stolen goods.

He also has ties to Hawaii. where he worked in construction and ran a group building housing for the homeless.

He was deeply involved in efforts to recruit soldiers for the fight against Russia in the Ukraine. He traveled to Ukraine in 2022 and later wrote a book: ‘Ukraine’s Unwinnable War.’

Video shot by the AP showed Routh at a small demonstration in Kyiv’s Independence Square in April 2022, two months after Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an invasion of the country.

In the self-published book, which is available on Amazon, Routh was highly critical of Trump and even encouraged Iran to assassinate him.

‘You are free to assassinate Trump,’ Routh wrote of Iran.

Routh, who was active on social media, said he voted for Trump in 2016 but,  in a post from June 2020, was critical of him.

‘I and the world hoped that president Trump would be different and better than the candidate,’ he wrote. ‘I will be glad when you [sic] gone.’

He also seemed to be no fan of President Joe Biden.

‘Sleepy Joe stands for nothing, no plans, no ideas,’ he wrote in one X post from March 5, 2020.

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