Hillary Clinton Uses Trump Attack to Fuel Divisive Rhetoric

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Hillary Clinton Uses Trump Attack to Fuel Divisive Rhetoric

Hillary Clinton continues to set the bar for political opportunism as she recently took to the stage to turn a violent assassination attempt on Donald Trump into yet another one of her self-indulgent tirades. In a display that could only be described as crass, Clinton, in an interview to promote her latest book “Something Lost, Something Gained,” trivialized the foiled attempt on Trump’s life while seamlessly shifting the blame onto him. The irony is rich; the woman who once tried to sink Trump’s presidency with lies is now accusing him of instigating violence, to the delight and laughter of her adoring fans.

During her appearance, Clinton offered up a hollow condemnation of political violence, only to immediately wrap Trump in the very narrative of blame she has helped cultivate. With a wink and a nod to her supporters, she claimed that the former president cares only about himself and consistently refuses to represent all Americans. It must be comforting to her liberal audience to sit back, laugh, and enjoy a moment of collective bitterness while pretending it’s about high-minded political discourse.

The truth, as any clear-thinking citizen knows, is that leftist rhetoric has indeed poisoned the political atmosphere in this country. Clinton’s attempt to deflect responsibility away from her side of the aisle is as laughable as it is pathetic. Someone who has spent decades in the political arena should be acutely aware of the repercussions of incendiary language, yet there she was, snickering at the serious subject of an attempted murder while flinging mud at the man she views as her greatest rival.


Hillary Clinton one day after an assassination attempt on Donald Trump: “I don’t understand why it’s so difficult for the press to have a consistent narrative about how dangerous Trump is”

— harparr #IFBAP (@harparr1) September 17, 2024

One must consider the sheer audacity of Clinton’s claim that Trump is failing to calm the waters. It is she, not Trump, who has decided that any time a crisis emerges, it’s a golden opportunity to attack. Her legacy is one rife with attempts to destroy others while feigning concern for the very issues she exacerbates. In a twisted sense of leadership, she leverages tragedies for political gains, reminding everyone why she lost the presidency in 2016—an inability to connect with the American people and a penchant for mockery over meaningful dialogue.


Even as a seasoned political player, Clinton thrives in chaos, riding on the waves of partisan contempt to stay relevant. Her defensive posture toward Trump, coupled with an opportunistic smirk in the face of violence against him, lays bare her character: a longtime Washington insider who will stop at nothing, including a tainted political persona, to avenge her previous failures. As Clinton wades through toxic waters of her own making, it’s glaringly evident: she hasn’t just lost the trust of many; she’s doubled down on the antics that brought her down to begin with.


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