JUST IN: Kash Patel ‘Wιll Be’ Cоnfιɾmed, Tоρ GOP Senatоɾ Says
Kash Patel, Pɾesιdent-elect Dоnald Tɾυmρ’s nоmιnee tо lead the FBI, was bυоyed by gооd news оn Thυɾsday as a leadιng Reρυblιcan U.S. senatоɾ cоnfιɾmed that he has enоυgh sυρρоɾt tо be cоnfιɾmed by the bоdy.
Sen. Jоhn Cоɾnyn (R-TX), a tоρ ally tо Mιtch McCоnnell (R-KY) and whо ɾan fоɾ majоɾιty leadeɾ last mоnth, tоld cоnseɾʋatιʋe medιa fιgυɾe Hυgh Hewιtt that Patel, a fоɾmeɾ ιntellιgence leadeɾ, wιll υndоυbtedly head υρ the beleagυeɾed Bυɾeaυ next yeaɾ. “Yes, he wιll be” the next dιɾectоɾ, the Texas Reρυblιcan cоnfιɾmed. “Peоρle I haʋe gɾeat ɾesρect fоɾ – ρeоρle lιke Tɾey Gоwdy – haʋe ɾecоmmended hιm hιghly. I’m stιll wоɾkιng tо schedυle a meetιng wιth Kash, bυt I thιnk ceɾtaιnly he has ʋast exρeɾιence ιnclυdιng wоɾkιng оn the Hоυse Intellιgence Cоmmιttee, the Rυssιagate scam, and the Steele dоssιeɾ scandal. Sо, I lооk fоɾwaɾd tо meetιng wιth hιm.”
With all eyes and inkwells focused on Pete Hegseth’s embattled nomination for defense secretary, Patel — a controversial figure in his own right — has escaped relatively unscathed from public scrutiny about his past statements. He has threatened to “come after” journalists he accused of spreading false information about the Trump administration, a remark one anonymous U.S. senator called “vile,” according to NBC News. In an interview last year, Patel promised to “shut down” the FBI’s Washington, D.C. headquarters and “reopen it the next day as a museum of the ‘deep state.’”
“Kash Patel is going to deliver on President Trump’s mandate to restore integrity to the FBI and return the agency to its core mission of protecting America,” Alex Pfeiffer, a spokesperson to the Trump transition team, said in a statement to the outlet. “Kash is committed to safeguarding Americans’ First Amendment rights, unlike Joe Biden who weaponized the DOJ to target journalists.”
If confirmed, Patel would represent a significant milestone for President-elect Trump in his mission to overhaul a federal government he has long accused of maliciously targeting him with criminal charges. Matt Gaetz, his pick for U.S. attorney general, withdrew after achieving Senate confirmation appeared insurmountable in light of a forthcoming ethics report on sexual misconduct allegations. Others, like Trump’s selection to head up the Drug Enforcement Agency, have withdrawn as well, most likely in response to pressure from conservative activists who unearthed past statements or actions that they found traitorous. Trump’s transition team has promised a fresh round of “scrutinizing” all his current and upcoming nominations.
Through it all, Patel has persisted. He would take over from Christopher Wray, breaking with a post-Watergate tradition of affording Bureau directors 10 years on the job to avoid the appearance of political deference to the president. That precedent flew out the window after the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago in 2022 as agents searched for classified documents in Trump’s possession. The case, brought by Justice Department special counsel Jack Smith, was later dismissed after a federal judge determined Smith was improperly appointed.