NEW: Iranian ‘Mothership’ Stationed Off East Coast Deploying ‘SUV-Sized’ Drones, GOP Rep. Claims

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A senior Republican congressman has claimed that mysterious drones dominating New Jersey skies in recent weeks may be launched from an Iranian “mothership” stationed off the U.S. East Coast. The stunning allegations, made by Rep. Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey (R-NJ), have raised national security concerns as speculation mounts about the origins and intent of the unusual aerial activity.

Speaking to Fox News on Wednesday with Harris Faulkner, Van Drew, who serves on both the House Judiciary Committee and the Transportation Committee’s Aviation Subcommittee, cited “high-level sources” who say Iran is behind the unsettling drone activity.

“Iran launched a mothership probably about a month ago that contains these drones. That mothership is off the…East Coast of the United States of America,” Van Drew said. “They’ve launched drones, everything that we can see or hear, and again, these are from high sources. I don’t say this lightly.”

In recent weeks, New Jersey residents have reported sightings of large drones—described as the size of SUVs—particularly near prominent locations, including the area where former President Donald Trump’s estate is located. The reports have caused growing alarm in communities, with theories ranging from foreign espionage to advanced technology testing. Van Drew dismissed speculation that the drones could be part of a U.S. government operation or the work of hobbyists.

“We know it’s not our own government because they would have let us know. It could have been some really glorified hobbyist or hobbyists that were doing something unbelievable. They don’t have the technology,” he said. “The third possibility was somebody in an adversarial country doing this…and I think it very possibly could be [Iran].”

“These drones should be shot down, whether it was some crazy hobbyist that we can’t imagine or whether it is Iran,” Van Drew said. “We are not getting the full deal, and the military is on alert with this.”

While details remain scarce, Van Drew warned that the drones are likely extracting sensitive information and represent a “clear and present danger” to the United States and its leadership. Faulkner questioned how the drones are being refueled and where they are landing, adding urgency to calls for action.

“How are they fueling them? They have to land somewhere. Drones don’t fly forever,” Faulkner said. “Why don’t they close down the airspace? Yes, it’s inconvenient. Yes, it’s the holidays. Shut it down. But if you start shooting things and you don’t know how they’re fueled, that’s going to be mass explosions.”

The allegations have yet to be confirmed by federal authorities, but Van Drew insists his claims are credible and based on confidential sources. “This isn’t just Jeff Van Drew…on [TV] to say something outrageous. I’m telling you a straight deal from very high-positioned individuals who are telling me this,” he said. “We’ve got to determine how they function, what they do, make sure that we can get them…and in a safe way.”

He concluded with a dire warning about the severity of the threat. “Right now, they’re probably extracting information,” Van Drew said. “This is a clear and present danger to the United States and to our President-elect, and it’s serious business.”

The claims are likely to amplify ongoing concerns over national security and potential foreign surveillance as investigations continue into the mysterious drones’ origins and capabilities.

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